Monday, August 31, 2009

Hunting Season for Jobs!

That's right! It's hunting time!

I am hunting for the only thing I would actually hunt for (other than a good deal!) -- a JOB!

I want a job next fall. Dream job would be a tenure-track professor position at a school with a little bit of research (not dependent upon external funding by the federal government). Within my very specific field of biology. Somewhere between my family's and Ry's family.

And the time to look is now. Unlike other jobs, it takes 6-8 months for the whole application process. Right now, jobs are being posted. Applications are due between October 1 and December 1. Then they are reviewed and a limited number of applicants are interviewed in January and February. Then second interviews are in March. And offers follow those. For jobs that start July or August of next year. It's a long process and I need to get with it NOW!

Of course, I could just get lucky like Ry! Last year, he applied for a job in July, got an interview a week later, was made an offer the following day and started his job within a month of applying! And it's a great job that he loves! Some kids have all the luck!

wow, kids!

We spent the morning with niece Hannah (because Mama and Nana had some appointments to attend), and boy, am I tired!

She's a great kid and pretty well behaved, but we were up at 5:30 to drive to her place and then ran around playing with her until lunch time! After she ate and fell asleep in her highchair, Ry & I spent the afternoon running our own errands and then got home exhausted!!!

How do you parents do it?

Friday, August 28, 2009

September Goals

As I am trying to graduate this May, I am setting monthly goals for myself. And by "goals", I really mean "If I don't get this certain thing done this month, I am screwing myself and won't be able to graduate".

For September, I just need to:

  • Present data at lab meeting from field study in Costa Rica (collected by others). Figure out how we're going to write the paper and how much of it I am actually responsible for.
  • Finish collecting data and analyzing data from Experiment 1a and Experiment 1b.
  • Get a draft of the paper for Experiments 1a & 1b to advisor.
  • Finish getting replicates for Experiment 2.

That's all!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Well ... if I do end up unemployed next year ...

So long sweet summer ...

The "crazy" summer is now over, so I hope to get back into blogging!

Life is going OK here!

With the start of the new semester, I was granted a fellowship, which means I don't have to teach or be my boss's bitch. I get to focus on my own research!! My contract/letter even says that because this fellowship is a gift "no work is required". So cool! If I can get A LOT of stuff done this semester, I will actually get to graduate in May! So here's hoping the fellowship is a big help and I actually do get to focus on my own research!

Of course, with the "fellowship freedom", I was already asked by 2 different professors to lecture for them while they're out of town. This week I took over Evolution and in November I am doing a week of Behavioral Neuroendocrinology. In truth, I don't mind much. I like to give lectures and I like the topics I have been asked to cover. But it just makes me laugh that I have managed to be roped in to teaching when I am not getting paid to do so!

So, this semester, I hope to keep you up to date on my progress towards graduation! I hope to finish my dissertation, submit lots of papers (and make my Big 10) and find a job!

Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time is flying!

Stopping by to let you know ....

just 500 days until the wedding!!!!!!!!


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