Hunting Season for Jobs!
That's right! It's hunting time!
I am hunting for the only thing I would actually hunt for (other than a good deal!) -- a JOB!
I want a job next fall. Dream job would be a tenure-track professor position at a school with a little bit of research (not dependent upon external funding by the federal government). Within my very specific field of biology. Somewhere between my family's and Ry's family.
And the time to look is now. Unlike other jobs, it takes 6-8 months for the whole application process. Right now, jobs are being posted. Applications are due between October 1 and December 1. Then they are reviewed and a limited number of applicants are interviewed in January and February. Then second interviews are in March. And offers follow those. For jobs that start July or August of next year. It's a long process and I need to get with it NOW!
Of course, I could just get lucky like Ry! Last year, he applied for a job in July, got an interview a week later, was made an offer the following day and started his job within a month of applying! And it's a great job that he loves! Some kids have all the luck!