Sunday, December 31, 2006

Freaking Out!

It's the last day of 2006.

And I am spending the day freaking out.

This stupid Q test. Just 4 days away now. And I am not ready. Not at all.

And this whole holiday season has sucked. I wish I could have gone home for Christmas to see my family and I wish I could be down in Virginia with my friends tonight.

It was super nice to see Anna & Gorgeous yesterday! They stopped by on their way down to visit BF-Kimmy & the BF-in-law, who have an exciting New Year's Eve party every year!

But, seeing them was bitter sweet, because they left for the party, and I stayed here to study some more ....

I am conflicted about the test. I want to do well, because everyone wants me to do well and I want to please them; and because I gave up my winter "break" for studying; and because I want to get a phd, teach college biology, and do awesome research. But, at the same time, I have NO motivation to study. I can only read and write and study for a few hours before I just start crying and have to take a break. It's just too much for me at this point.

I just hope I know ENOUGH.

Please keep me in your thoughts/prayers/mediations these next few days.
I could use a bit of luck!

Oh, and enjoy your New Year's Eve! I am lucky in that I have the BEST boyfriend in the whole wide world, and he is giving up his New Year's fun to hang out with me while I study some more.

There will surely be some champagne involved!

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