Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Utah ... not just for mormons

We made it back from the ABS conference in Snowbird, Utah in one piece! The area was beautiful, but we barely enjoyed it as we were too busy attending sessions and talking with way cool scientists. But, here are some pictures below to tell our tale!

The beautiful wildflowers on top of the mountain we took our tram to.
My friend Becky (whom I did whale research with at Canisius and is now getting her PhD at Hunter in NYC) and I on top of the mountain. The picas are collecting their winter grasses below us!

The 3 J's toasting a successful conference! We all gave great talks and got great questions and talked with a lot of great people! (Yes, that is cheap champagne in paper cups)

Maria (DancingFish's old labmate) & Tim (McCann look-alike) -- new friends from Indiana!

After the banquet, the 3 Js having fun at the "Tram Club" with cichlid friend Tom (from the Wisenden Lab)!

Super fun times had by all! And we're looking forward to next year's conference in Vermont!!!

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