Thursday, July 20, 2006

A bit of knit!

This was not started as a knitting blog (as DancingFish and Amandamonkey's blogs were), but I thought I would throw my two gifted knitting projects up, in case you linked to this from one of their pages accidentily thinking this blog would be about knitting!

I have only been knitting since October and I don't do it very often, so all I can make are scarves! I don't know the knitters' lingo, but this white scarf that I gave to my mom had a simple 4 row pattern that I kept repeating. I then ironed the scarf so it would lay flat for her. I used fabric softener in the iron-water, which pleased my mom! There were only a few mistakes, so I was very happy with this gift!

The fuzzy, soft, bright pink scarf I gave to my brother's girlfriend. I started it to give it to her for her birthday in January, but it took longer than I anticipated. It was my first attempted at purling and is just a simple stockinette stich with a 3 row knit border around it. I loved the yarn the most and it is super soft!

I have nothing new really started yet, but at the rate I knit, I need to start some christmas presents ASAP!


amandamonkey said...


Glad to hear your visit home went well, too.

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.