Thursday, December 04, 2008

Very Thankful!

Well, things have been exciting since RyGuy & I got engaged! We met Ry's new niece and did some wedding planning!! More on both of those things soon!

We also travel to Buffalo for a wonderful visit with the family! We visited with Grandpa, had Thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday, "tailgated" Black Friday on Thursday, had a great dinner made by sis-in-law and hung out with Nephew and then spent the morning with all of the crazy shoppers! Good times had by all!

A few photos (of course!):

Nephew, with his pilgrim hat and green tie. And sleeveless shirt.

Ry, lil' bro & Kel in line at noon on Thanksgiving!

We're actually second in line! With a nice tent to keep us warm!

Gotta check those ads!

Food, family, fun, shopping & deals!! I am happy!

1 comment:

Becky said...

i always think of you on black friday but this looks out of control?? you moved thanksgiving to wednesday so you could get in line on thursday??? how much money did you save???